Always and Forever


The unfamiliar sense
of discomfort between his legs only shorted his stride minutely, but it was
Kili’s innocent question that had his footsteps faltering. He bit the inside of
his cheek, feeling that sense of foreboding that made his heartbeat quicken. His
feelings concerning this whole affair kept oscillating between
self-righteousness and guilty shame.

The truth of the
matter was, Dis had said something. Several somethings, in fact. But Fili
wasn’t sure whether she actually knew, or his paranoia was making him read too
deep into everything she’d said. He had felt so very obvious every time he’d
looked up or spoken. Neither of them had ever been any good at keeping secrets
from her. Last night he’d felt absolutely positive she knew everything. Today
it felt easier to pretend she didn’t.

“I don’t
know,” he said finally. Perhaps she was in denial as much as he was. He
swallowed, matched Kili’s pace, watching his boots and listening to the dull
sound of his footsteps echo in the hallway. Then he came to a dead stop and
stared at Kili. “Do YOU think she will?” He had been terrified last
night at the prospect of Dis telling Thorin and he found now that the feeling
hadn’t dwindled at all. Kili should have had the better insight, since his time
was spent with her whenever Fili was with Thorin.

frowned lightly at his brother’s question. Did he think she would? He
stopped himself, pondering about the question for a brief moment, and rubbing
his forehead as he did so before his eyes swivelled back at his brother and he
gave a grin.

“Is it me
ye’re asking, or me gut feeling, brother? Ye know, it might work better after I’d
get a chance to ponder upon yer question, and the gut feeling bein’ pleased
with sweets’n kisses, maybe…”

He grinned,
briefly raising Fili’s hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to his knuckles.

“She might”
he said then, softly, “I tell ye everything, too, after all. But I dinna think
he’d be angry. If he was, we’d find a solution, I promise. And I dinna think
Amad would tell him if she thought it’d make us unhappy” he added as an

He squeezed
his brother’s hand. “Ye don’t need to worry, Fee. I wouldna let anyone separate