Always and Forever


The pleased smile on
Fili’s face from the second kiss fell slightly when his brother released him,
nose creasing minutely with disappointment. He watched Kili retrieve his own
weapons for a moment before shifting to unpack his own bow, giving it a cursory
glance to make sure it was still sound. Plopping down on the corner of the bed,
he went about stringing it, careful to make sure the string was still supple
after months out of use.

so,” he answered, head bent over the bow as he gently forced the arch back
into it, one end of the wood wedged beneath his boot.  "Always good to be prepared for
unforeseen circumstances.“ This was his way of saying he didn’t want to
starve while they dawdled in the forest, as he was sure they would. Fili
slipped the loop of the string into place and released the tension, letting out
a pleased breath as he picked it up, testing the string. “There, see? I’m
not as bad with a bow as you think.”

Once the rest of his
gear was ready, he stepped up to Kili quickly and stole a final kiss before
slipping out the door. “We can tell Amad we’re going while we’re getting
some food for the trip, mm?”

“Oh. Yeah. Sure.” Kili gave a grin, quickly following his brother outside. “Uh… I’ve only been thinking, after what she’s been saying yesterday and all… I mean, she always knows everything. And if she’d mind… she would’ve said something, right?” He took a deep breath. “I mean… so she doesn’t mind?”

It was important, after all – and not just because it was about their mother. Dís had always been the one supporting the fact that they’d been joined at the hip since the day Kili had been born, after all, despite rumors and everything; what if now that these rumors had been confirmed in her eyes, she would decide to put a stop to it? What if she had to, because others… but their mother was not the kind of person to submit herself to anyone’s wishes unless she supported them herself. Still, she hadn’t seemed overly angry or disappointed last night, and Fili’d met her in the kitchens and all she’d done was some teasing, wasn’t it? But what if she just hadn’t made up her mind about them yet?

Kili hadn’t noticed that his steps had slowed while he’d been pondering about all this; quickly, he sped up a bit again. “… d’you think she’ll tell uncle?” he asked very carefully.


Bard could have turned his back, he could have sent them away, he could have slammed the door in their faces. But he didn’t. He owed them nothing, and in fact his life would have been simpler if they had never come into it, but still he helped them.

He was kingly even then.