Building a Future


His smile widened, and he took his brother’s encouragement as permission to continue onward, so he slipped his fingertips beneath the waistband of Kili’s trousers. “Yes, ‘course I will. It’s time we were done with all our secrets,” he answered, turning his head to brush a kiss to Kili’s knuckle. As Kili’s fingers drifted down his throat, his eyes slid shut a moment to savor the tickling sensation.

The gentle massage at Kili’s scalp gradually shifted to a light scratching as he opened his eyes to smile down at his brother. “When I’m well, I want to dance with you at parties. You can have your hands on me all the time and I’ll never expect an apology,” he said, almost as if to himself. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to his brow and slipped his hand deeper down into Kili’s trousers to cup and stroke him gently. “No one can complain when the royal consort touches his king, hm? My loyal, faithful husband. You always believed in me. I couldn’t survive without you by my side.”

Truth be told, it wasn’t as if his brother had ever required a special permission to touch him. In fact, he could not recall a single moment in which his brother’s touch would have felt unwanted – not even during the worst days of his life, because even though he had felt uncomfortable about being touched, he had very much insisted on it, the alternative being much worse. “Mmh.”

His brother’s hands slipped into his trousers, then, and the sound that came from his lips in answer was not quite a moan, but not very far from it either as he involuntarily arched his spine only so much into his brother’s touch. “It’s nay as if I’d ever complain ‘bout me king’s touch, either” he whispered, feeling his heartbeat speed up as blood pooled through his belly and lower down.

Dancing with his brother was a tempting proposal on his own. “You’d be dancin’ only with me, then?” he hummed, his hand wandering up a little more to cup the back of his brother’s head, keeping him close as his lips followed his brother’s cheekbone, “Though maybe ye’re allowed to dance with girls occasionally.” The grin on his face widened a bit. “I very much enjoy ye makin’ up for it later, after all.” His legs slid a little further apart as he hummed against his brother’s lips. “Don’t stop” he repeated, still grinning as he mouthed at his brother’s jaw.

Building a Future


He let out a soft chuckle as Kili slumped down farther, the hum in his brother’s throat nearly a purr. Fili remembered this feeling very clearly: the feeling that he’d done something right, that he was taking care of someone other than himself. Watching him quietly, fingers still rubbing gentle circles into his scalp, his free hand traced down the braids he’d made, finding them out of place in Kili’s wild tangles, but they suited him perfectly, with the little beads resting just at the edges of his collar bone. His fingertip brushed one bead lightly. He hoped he’d gotten them in securely enough. Keeping things in Kili’s hair was a struggle at the best of times.

There was a warmth settled firmly in his chest, that tiny swell of pride growing even stronger as he looked at his brother, snuggled close and content, wearing the symbol of their union for all the world to see. He wished for the first time in months that he had a mirror, so he could see the beads woven into his own hair. Fili smiled faintly at that thought. It had been a very long time since he’d wanted to see his own face.

With a soft, soothing whisper, he leaned down to kiss him as best he could from this angle, his fingers still working through his hair in a gentle massage. The other slid down across his chest, briefly slipping beneath his tunic to rest his palm against his abdomen, thumb drawing small circles. “They’re beautiful, Kee. You’re beautiful,” he murmured, “Thank you.”

His eyelids slid open just a bit and he glanced up at his brother. “I love you” he mouthed softly, pressing his lips against his brother’s thigh, a light shiver spreading over his skin as he felt his brother’s hand slide over his body, caressing and possessive at the same time. He took a deep breath, relaxing even more against his brother’s hands. “Don’t stop that either” he muttered, a corner of his mouth curled into a grin as he glanced at Fili, leaning his head back a little against his brother’s hand, muscles of his abdomen tensing only so much under his brother’s thumb.

“Will ye have me as yer husband, then?” he asked, grinning as he shifted only so much to get a better view of his brother, reaching up to run his fingertips along the line of Fili’s jaw. “Wearin’ the signs of our union for everyone t’see, I mean?” As much as he did occasionally enjoy their secrecy, that thought filled him with thrill from head to toe. Would they be able to give their mother a wedding ceremony to celebrate after all?

His fingertips wandered a little lower, brushing down the side of his brother’s neck, and then following his collarbone beneath the tunic. “I’ll never be able t’keep my hands off ye” he noted with a grin, “But I won’t apologize for it either.” Humming softly, he nestled the back of his head even more against his brother’s lap. “I’m the one who owes ye thanks” he hummed, “Ye’ve always given everything for me. My brave warrior brother. Ye’ll be the best prince this mountain has seen in generations. The best king, too.”

Building a Future


Fili relaxed a bit at the assent. As he understood it, doing his brother’s hair was a bit different from weaving marriage beads into it that Kili himself had made for him. Was it inappropriate to wear marriage beads one had made themselves? Fili wasn’t sure it was, but he wasn’t going to be able to make any himself for quite a while. He shoved the thought of “if ever” out of his mind.

Carefully, he set the old beads aside on the table, letting Kili get settled before handing him back the two leftover beads. Manipulating strands would be hard enough without trying to juggle extra objects. Combing his fingers through Kili’s hair, Fili had a brief moment of doubt in his ability, but he gathered up the pieces he would need all the same and began. Fili chose to make two basic braids, one on either side of Kili’s head starting just behind his ears. They had nothing like the intricate arch present in his own braids – just three strands woven simply to hang over Kili’s shoulders so the beads would be seen. It took much longer than it should have, and the final outcome looked like something a dwarfling would have made. They were a little lopsided and the weave was neither tight nor even. He dropped one of the beads and fumbled for it with a soft curse, afraid to lose it amongst the sheets. Still, after some effort, it was slid into place.

He sighed in relief, but his hand remained buried in Kili’s hair at the nape of his neck, massaging almost absently as he studied the effect the braids lended to his brother. Fili smiled faintly. With the rest of his hair cascading down, the imperfections in the braids weren’t quite so obvious. “D’you want me to stop?” he asked gently, leaning to plant a soft trail of kisses down his shoulder.

To be fair, he didn’t care about any possible imperfections in his brother’s braiding skills. There would be time for him to practice, too.

His brother’s hand was still resting on his neck, and the touch would have made him feel uncomfortable (to say the least) had it been anyone besides his brother. As it was, it only added to the general feeling of perfection that swirled through his veins, causing tiny sparks to burst beneath his eyelids whenever Fili’s lips touched his skin, and he hummed softly. “Not in a thousand years” he muttered, “Keep goin’, beautiful husband o’mine.”

With a light smile, he opened one eye to peek up at his brother as best as he could from his current position. “Yer hands are magic, Fee” he muttered, “Don’t doubt that, eh?”

It was overly comfortable. It also sparked certain other interests in him, and that… “Don’t stop” he whispered instead, that one eye closing again as he placed his head a little more comfortable in his brother’s lap, snuggling into him.

Building a Future


Fili’s hands fell to his lap, beads wrapped not-quite-safely in his bad hand. The other he wedged between his thighs to keep from fidgeting as he let Kili once again tame the mess he’d made of his hair. He followed Kili’s hands as they moved, watching through the corners of his eyes as best he could to catch the little shimmering stones as they were fixed into place. “Yes,” he answered softly, thinking only briefly that he’d just have to wear more things in his hair because the clasp he was currently wearing came from Amad and it matched Kili’s, and he didn’t want to get rid of it. “When I can,” he added as an afterthought, squeezing the beads between his stiff fingers as best he could. Delicate work – any work, really – would not be easy like this. But for Kili? Anything.

His mouth curved slightly in a small smile, turning his head just enough that his lips could brush the finger tracing his moustache. “Yes,” he replied again, without a moment of hesitation. Fili wanted to be entirely covered in things Kili made for him, things that said he was Kili’s. Things that said Kili claimed him, Kili wanted him, Kili was proud of him.

Fili was fairly vibrating with pleasure once he was finished. They were too light to feel in his hair, the weight no different than the silver, but it seemed different. Lighter, maybe. And now, he understood. With Frerin to have children, there was no need to worry about the line of Durin continuing through them. They could be… honest, perhaps, and Dain or any other dwarf had no grounds to object. They wouldn’t be happy, surely, but Fili couldn’t care less. He wanted to be happy again. Happy with Kili.

“Do they suit me?” he asked softly, cuddling Kili close and nuzzling into his hair with a deep breath of content. Remembering the leftover beads in his hand, he reached to pluck the empty pouch from Kili’s fingers, and found it – well – not empty. Fili blinked and poured the two extra into his palm with the silver beads. His head tilted a bit considering, and then his eyes went to Kili’s hair. “…Can I…?”

“Perfectly” he assured his brother, smiling and briefly nuzzling his cheek against his brother’s. Glancing down at the leftover beads in his brother’s hand, and then back up, the smile deepened even more, and he shifted to press a kiss to a corner of his brother’s mouth. “You needn’t ask” he replied softly, “Ye’re always allowed t’do my hair.”

With a smile, he shifted again to allow his brother a better perspective, humming lightly with pleasure. “I do like yer fingers in my hair anyway, ye know that.” He grinned, glancing up at him. What he also liked was to watch his brother work with his hands, and Fili knew this much, too, or so he hoped. He gave a light, overly content sigh, his shoulders relaxing as he took a deep breath, snuggling into his brother. “I love you, Fee” he hummed, eyelids slipping shut briefly. It was strange; he’d barely slept more than a few hours each night during the past weeks, but now, it felt as if the weight of this entire mountain had been lifted from his shoulders, and the exhaustion of the past weeks including the battle seemed to catch up with him. “Don’t stop.” He didn’t care much if anything his brother put into his hair looked crooked or anything of that sort, to be honest.

His brother’s touch, no matter if it was hesitant in some places, and maybe unpracticed at times, caused a soft, purring sound to emerge from his throat, and the corners of his mouth twitched lightly. “If ye keep doin’ that, it’ll take a very, very long while to discuss the contents o’this chest, ye know.”