Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

He let out a soft breath of a laugh as the fingers beneath his shirt tickled along his ribs. There was very little Kili could do that wouldn’t be worthwhile, in his opinion. The lifted brow on his brother’s face made him smile slowly, fingers still working their way through tangled strands as he looked at him. “Well, ye could always use that in place of oil and there’d be no more damage done as you’d be taking care of me at the same time.” His smile widened to a jaunty grin, though his head tilted back to accommodate the questing lips at his jaw with a purr of pleasure. “I am tired. And I didn’t know marriage required so much work or I’d’ve thought better of it.” Still, he continued to smile dreamily, his hands smoothing down his brother’s neck and beginning a downward quest, through the hairs on his chest to brush over nipples and down and around to follow the curve of his spine, to cup handfuls of his rear and pull him close. “Y’want me to drive ye senseless like you did me last night? Is that what you want?”

“I see you have thought this through, brother dear.” He shifted a bit, lowering his head to close his lips over one of his brother’s nipples, sucking lightly through the rough fabric of his tunic.

“I do” he whispered, feeling his brother’s hands venture down his body, “Just like that. But if ye think ye couldna manage…” He raised his head, mouthing at his brother’s jaw. “We could rely on the salve, too, I suppose.” The grin on his face widened a bit more. “Your choice, eh?”

Oh, thought better of it, would he? “Are ye trying t’say ye regret it?” he asked, nipping his brother’s lower lip sharply, “It’s a bit late for second thoughts, I suppose.” 

Now We are Home


Fili took a few steadying breaths, enjoying the smell of his brother and the feel of his fingers moving in his hair. He didn’t even mind when Kili’s fingers drifted over the bare patch on the back of his head. It throbbed, but all he cared about was that Kili was moving and touching and that was the best feeling in the world. And he wasn’t angry. That was a good feeling too.

He squeezed Kili a little tighter at the mention of going to Oin, not particularly willing to let go of him just yet. Thankfully it seemed his brother was not so anxious himself. Though he talked big he did little to loosen his own grip, for which Fili was grateful. Just one minute more. That’s all he needed.

Just one more.

It was odd to hear Kili reassuring him when it was usually the other way around. Kili was always the one with fears. Fears from his dreams, fears from his past. Fili felt… off balance. He took a deep breath and relaxed his grip, reaching up instead to cup Kili’s cheeks in both hands. “I love you so much, Kili,” he said softly, and leaned forward to kiss him. “You are my everything.” He kissed him once more, smiling softly and petting his cheeks for a moment, before finally letting go and shifting to hunt down his brother’s trousers and help him into them.

Kili gave a dramatic sigh, though he allowed for his brother to assist him while getting himself dressed. “You know, I’m not that badly hurt” he noted with a light grin, though he did not refuse. Well, the last time Fili had helped him dress… but he pushed that thought off his mind, and accepted his brother’s care instead, rising to his feet once he was done. “Whoops!” Swaying a bit, he caught himself on his brother’s shoulder. “Uh. Ah. I’m fine. I’m fine, don’t worry. I’m just not used to running around anymore, aye?”

He shot him a brief grin, lightly squeezing his brother’s hand. “Now, uh – did you see my shirt… ah, there.” He made a careful step towards it, gathering it from the bedside table, and only then remembered their doings last night (because he felt the soreness as he moved), glancing down. “Uh… I suppose we should clean up a bit before going to see Oin?” As much as he was sure the healer would not give anything away, no need to, well, rub his nose in it, was there?

Turning back to his brother, he gave a smile, returning to the bed with a cloth he briefly dumped into the washing basin. “Would ye wish my help, brother dear?” he asked with a grin, “Or would ye be willing to help me in return?”