Always and Forever



Kili cleared his throat faintly, rather distracted from his brother’s words by the gentle touches to his chest. “Uh… I see…” His eyes wandered down on his brother again, and he reached up, almost slowly, to run his palm over the curve of his brother’s arm. “How come y’re so good at putting it into words?” Well, of course his brother was somewhat supposed to have a way with words in the first place, but…

Fili’s lips brushed over his nipple and he made a soft, gasping sound, almost falling over on his back. “Does – does it work the same way with you?” he asked half breathlessly, “I mean – when I touch you? Y’seemed to like it there. A lot.” He grinned. “Y’seemed to like it elsewhere a lot, too, though…”

To be fair, Fili had always considered his brother to be the better speaker. Kili had always been a romantic, prone to flights of fancy and poetry. Fili was more down to earth – he said what he meant usually without added flourish. With Kili though… well, at this moment he felt like he could write a whole sonnet about the texture of his skin beneath his lips. This was why he laughed faintly against Kili’s chest, looping an arm around his back as he threatened to tip over and soil their sheets with the oils on his back. (As if their sheets weren’t already doomed.)

He really did love that sound. Fili leaned up to brush the tips of their noses together, watching him with affectionate interest. “It does,” he answered without hesitation. “I liked all of it quite a lot.” The fingers of the hand not pressed to the base of his spine slid across his chest to scrape one fingernail delicately over the nipple, circling briefly before wandering downward over his stomach. “What did you like best?”

“Hmm.” Kili snuggled a little closer, placing his one arm around his brother’s chest as well, carefully running his fingertips over his brother’s back. “The sounds you make” he said softly then, “but also the feeling, aye? Of your skin beneath my hands, and the little beads of sweat on it like wee pearls, an’ the muscle like steel beneath it, all shifting and tensing and relaxing all the time. It gives this odd feeling of possession, doesn’t it? To know that I’m the one causing it, that it’s in my power to make ye feel so. That I could shape you like this, and you do the same to me in return.”
He glanced up at him a little shyly. “I told you I’ve been thinking about it, y’see? To pin you down and have my way with you – not in a bad way, of course, I’d never – but you said you’d wanted the same, right? And then, the opposite, to go all slow and tender, t’worship every inch o’skin I can get m’hands on…”