Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

Fili twitched a bit, a soft snort of a laugh escaping. “Only because princes are meant to be collected and well groomed.” Kili was always too excitable, and a complete mess, twigs in his hair and all. Fili was rather of the opinion that princes were anything they needed to be, but maybe that’s just because Kili was a prince and Fili loved him exactly the way he was.

His head tilted a bit, a soft noise of affection escaping at the lips against his neck, and the gentle petting along his stomach, somehow more intimate than it had any right to be. He loved this kind of attention just as much as the rough, passionate kind from earlier. “No plans,” he murmured, eyes closing in peace. “We’ve got all day, but a week may get suspicious.”

“Hmm.” A day would have to suffice, then. And another for when he was planning on calling in his winnings.

Idly playing with a golden strand of hair between his fingers, he made a soft, humming sound. “You’re always collected and well groomed, though” he pointed out, “even when you just woke up.” With a grin, he glanced down at his brother. “Well, except for when I take care of the way y’look, eh?” Briefly, his hand snaked a little deeper, surreptitiosly and briefly rubbing against his brother’s crotch. “Though I love you no matter how you look.”

He buried his face against his brother’s neck, his own eyes closing briefly as he rested his palm back over his brother’s stomach. “How come you’re always so pretty, m’dear loving brother?” Smiling against warm skin, he breathed another kiss to his brother’s neck. “You’re my heart, Fee…”

Always and Forever


That made him think of their mother again. She couldn’t control how they turned out, even with all her careful upbringing. Thinking she’d end up disappointed when she realized she’d never have any grandbabes and the line of Durin would eventually end made him feel a little guilty. After all her work and care, he felt like he owed her at least that much, but… well, he’d never really cared about either of those things. Was it a child’s duty to bring their parents happiness, in exchange for giving them life and raising them? He knew at least that it should be love and not duty that leads a child to care for their parents, and he did, but… but Kili.

He hummed faintly, Kili’s hand on his back a soothing presence. Fili couldn’t bear to think that they were a mistake. That this had been a mistake. It couldn’t be. He couldn’t live with that.

“Now that the world’s been made ages ago, he doesn’t have much else to do, does he? It’s probably not all that much work to him. There aren’t near as many Dwarves as Men, and we don’t have babies all that often. He might not even decide for everyone. Some are made for each other special, and some just find one they fit with, and others are fine on their own.” He shrugged a shoulder. “We got lucky.”

Fili ducked his head to press a kiss to Kili’s shoulder, palms stroking his back idly. “Does your back still hurt?” he asked, eyeing the purple bruise and gently prodding the edge with a fingertip.

Fili touched the bruise on his back and Kili made a small, wincing sound, glowering at him. “Yes!” he huffed, squirming a bit beneath his hands. Now that his brother mentioned it, of course it hurt!

To be fair, he did not worry overmuch about the end of Durin’s house. There was still Dain in the Iron Hills, wasn’t there? He might have children, after all.

Squirming a bit more, he smoothed himself against his brother in the process. “Don’t touch it!” Well, he’d brought the necessary ointments though, hadn’t he? “How about your back, though?” he asked, squinting at his brother’s shoulder beneath his cheek, “Shouldn’t ye put something on it, too?”

Shooting a somewhat worried glance up at his brother, he lightly poked his brother’s ribs. “How ‘bout the rest of you, anyway?” he asked with a half mischievous grin as he glanced up, “How d’you feel?”