Winter | companyhedgehog


Fili nodded slightly, breathing in the smell of smoke and iron that always lingered on his uncle’s coat through shakey, slow breaths. The familiar smell of comfort and safety was helping, and he was young enough that he still believed Thorin could solve any problem that came his way, that his words held no room for doubt. Still, it was Kili’s life in the balance now.

He grunted and flinched as Thorin prodded at the gash on his forehead, making pain flare up blindingly so that it was hard to focus on his uncle’s face in front of him. Fili squinted and blinked several times until his vision stopped vibrating, and gave another small nod, immediately regretting the motion as nausea rolled up in him. He took another deep, steadying breath, making an effort to shut off the part of his mind balled up in fear and guilt, and focus only on following orders. He was a soldier, or he would be. This is what he’d been taught to do. With Thorin’s help, he climbed to his feet, working his way upright slowly this time and managing to stay up with a steadying hand, though the ground seemed to tilt dangerously beneath him. There were a dozen questions he could have asked, where they would go, what they would do once they found him, how they were to get him away from the men, but he stayed quiet, focused on staying on his feet, waiting for his head to clear and his next order.


Thorin ran his hand over Fili’s back, one arm resting around Fili’s shoulders to keep the lad on his feet before shifting a bit to briefly cup Fili’s face with his hands and check him over.

“Your head will get better” he told him, his voice calm, but firm and somewhat distant; the same kind of distant he spoke to Dwalin or any other man at his command if necessary. “I know it’s spinning now, and you’ll probably throw up within the next few hours, but you’ll get better once you’ve had some rest. Did you see the direction they took?”

Without hesitation, though, he turned over to Dwalin. “Go find Gloin and his traders, they should still be in the markets. I need someone to find out if they left the city with him already, and what direction they took if they did so.” Depending on what they intended to do, and what Kili had told them… but whatever it was, apparently they had considered him valuable enough to take him along. Which wasn’t necessarily a good thing, for all Thorin himself knew about humans.