Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

Fili snorted softly, but he nodded all the same. Kili had done his job well. Too well perhaps. Every muscle ached, and the soreness in his backside was making itself known with every shift. He didn’t enjoy the idea of getting up, but the alternative really was lying in bed all day and relying on his baby brother to care for him – but Kili didn’t exactly have the attention span to simply feed him soup – if anything, his attentions might make it worse.

He made a face, not liking the images his imagination conjured up of telling their uncle about their recent nuptials. Kili was right of course. If Thorin suspected anything – if Dis did, then he did as well – he wouldn’t say anything until they brought it up themselves. His fear though, was that Dis was only humoring what she hoped was a phase or some kind of youthful experimentation. Perhaps she expected them to grow out of it and didn’t think it much of an issue for that reason. Maybe she thought Fili would end it himself as the responsible elder. If she did approve, simply withholding the opportunity for a grand ceremony seemed trivial in comparison.

“They’d know,” he said quietly. “What if she’s just biding her time, waiting for us to get whatever she thinks this is out of our systems? She doesn’t know anything for sure.” That was yet another reason not to look guilty whenever she implied things. “I just…” Fili sighed and brushed a thumb over Kili’s cheek, “…Let’s talk about it again after Thorin returns, aye? Give us a chance to think on it.”

“Mmh.” Turning his head briefly to brush a kiss over his brother’s fingers, Kili gave a small smile. “I was jus’ thinkin’, aye? T’avoid some trouble. Also…” The grin on his face widened as he snuggled a little closer, giving his brother’s hip a gentle pinch. “If Amad was to help us in keepin’ the girls away from you, you wouldn’t have t’dance with them all the time, eh?”

It wasn’t that he was actually jealous, not really. He knew his brother’s heart was his, and his alone. Still, it didn’t mean that he didn’t enjoy his brother trying to make up for all that shameful neglection during the feasts.

“She doesn’t think it’s a phase” he mused anyway, maybe sounding a bit more selfconscious than he actually felt, but still, “I mean, it’s been going on for all our lives, aye? And she’s the one who told us that she had to stop uncle from goin’ after – our father wi’ a huntin’ knife, she’d know about phases and ones and all that.”

Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

Letting out a soft hum of agreement, Fili looked down at their entwined fingers, the corners of his mouth still curved upward at the feel of palm against palm, calluses and smooth skin alike. “She would’ve,” he agreed quietly, once again feeling that small sting of guilt deep in the center of his chest for keeping secrets. He glanced back up at his brother with a soft breath of a laugh, grateful for the small comfort of knowing their mother had something else to keep her occupied in lieu of a grand wedding of princes.

He wondered if he would have to live with these dueling emotions his entire life, the contrast of utter happiness lying in his brother’s arms and the underlying guilt that always came on its heels when they talked of their mother or their uncle, or even the dire prospects of a future heir, though there was little to inherit here in Ered Luin. It wasn’t his favorite thing to think about.

Still, Kili was warm and soft against him and his hand running across his skin soothed the twinge in his chest more effectively than any balm. “I’m fine as long as I’m not sitting. Or standing. Or moving,” he quipped, his own fingers moving from combing through his hair to twisting locks around his knuckles absently as he basked in the petting. Turning his head he nipped at the finger at his jaw lightly, “What exactly is it you’re enjoying?”

“That y’still feel my touch.” The grin on Kili’s face widened a little, his fingertip tingling slightly from his brother’s touch. “Means I did well, eh?”

Briefly, his fingers followed the curve of his brother’s nose upward to brush a golden strand of hair away from his forehead. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind if y’decided to stay in bed all day” he admitted with a grin, “I’d take care of you, eh?” Though they’d probably have to get some food in the first place…

“Still” he said softly, “I’ve been thinking… we’re married, aye? Maybe we should tell them. If only t’avoid any future trouble.” Gently, he ran his fingers over his brother’s upper arm. “I mean, amad knows anyway, doesn’t she? If she’d be disapproving, we’d know, ‘cause for all I remember she’s not one to keep anything like that to herself. And uncle’s not stupid either. But he’d never mention it, waitin’ for us to tell him, ‘cause it’s what proper dwarves do or anything like that, I’m pretty sure of that.” He gave an almost sheepish smile. “It’s jus’, I know y’don’t like keeping secrets, aye? I mean, it’s a bit thrillin’ and all that, too – but I want you t’be happy, too. An’, well, it wouldn’t mean anybody has t’know, right?”

Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

Fili chuckled softly at his brother’s purring, bumping their noses together once more. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” he corrected, hips squirming just a little as Kili’s hand traced along his backside. He relaxed against him, lips brushing his cheek lightly while he enjoyed just laying in his arms. Fili’s favorite past time had always been simply lounging with his brother, smoking or singing or drinking or just looking at the clouds. Maybe it was just Kili.

Still dragging his fingers through the tangled locks of his hair, Fili smiled and glanced at his own palm again. “I think she’s probably already assumed we’ve promised ourselves to one another. But there’s no reason to suspect more than that. We’ve not acted any different than usual.” Granted, it was just wishful thinking. Dis seemed to know everything they did before they even did it. He was fairly sure she’d known about them before he did.

He returned the smile, briefly glancing down at his brother’s hand and then intertwining their fingers, resting their palms against each other. “I’ve jus’ been thinkin’, I’m sure she would’ve loved to host our wedding” he admitted, still smiling as he rested his forehead a little more against Fili’s, “Though I guess she’ll have more than enough to do with the summer solstice feast days when uncle’s back.”

Leaning his head back a little to rest it against his brother’s fingers, he briefly let go of his brother’s hand to pull the blankets up a little more around them, considering that there was a certain chill to the room, with the hearth not having been stoked yet, and the fire having gone out through the night. Snuggling closer against his brother, leeching at his body heat and briefly nuzzling golden hair, he held him close. “Oh, d’you like it, then?” he asked with a grin, “I’m enjoying it, that’s for sure.” His hand rested on the curve of his brother’s rear again, hidden beneath the blanket as it was, only slightly possessive in its touch. He did like the feel, though, of smooth skin and muscle beneath his palm. Gently, his hand slid up his brother’s side again, slowly, over his hip and then his ribs, fingertips following his arm. “You’d tell me if y’needed something from Oin or stuff though, eh?” he asked softly, following the line of his brother’s jaw with a single fingertip.

Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

Fili grunted softly as Kili shifted again, jostling his body and reminding him of the soreness in it. He did, however, enjoy the feel of Kili molding himself to his back, warm and comforting. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sit still even half as long as you today.” That meant fine crafting was out of the question, and he wouldn’t even bother anyway with Kili in the mood he was. “I had thought to finish some work in the forge today… but it’s nothing that can’t wait. Thorin chose this time to go because there wasn’t much of importance to take care of after all.”

He lifted a hand to examine his wrist, finding the redness had faded to a faint bruising that was only present around the bony portion. Shrugging a shoulder, he reached that hand up and back to bury in Kili’s hair and give his scalp a gentle scratch. “They feel alright,” he answered, finding that he was rather fine with being awake so long as he wasn’t forced out of the bed anytime soon. Fili rolled over a little in his brother’s arms, draping both legs over his hip and twisting around to catch his lips in a long, languid kiss.

Kili gave a soft smile, briefly rubbing his nose against Fili’s as he let go. “Not able to sit still, eh?” he commented with a twitch in the corners of his mouth, “That bad, is it?” Gently, his fingers wandered down his brother’s side and briefly followed the curve of his rear. “Don’t say you didna like it, though. I have a rather vivid memory.” Shooting a rather curious glance at his brother’s wrists, he reached up to press a kiss to one of them, his thumb gently running over the cut in his brother’s palm as a shiver ran down his neck at the light scratching at his scalp, causing his eyes to slip shut briefly and give a soft, humming noise like a rather pleased cat.

“D’you think Amad knows, though?” he asked with a smirk, “She noticed the cut, after all. An’ she found out about us within fifteen minutes, back then, in the first place.” Would she be angry that they’d robbed her of an opportunity to host a wedding feast for her sons?