Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

He moaned softly as that finger pressed deeper, but it was not enough, still not enough. His brother had lit a fire in him, deep and demanding, one that would not be sated until he was aching thoroughly and utterly spent. Fili pressed kiss after kiss to Kili’s mouth until it drifted down, his head tipping back with a quiet groan when teeth sank into his skin. He pressed up into it, savoring the ache of ownership in the bite. The picture Kili’s words presented, of being left like this, waiting ready according to Kili’s whims had him shuddering and pressing his hips up. Sometimes Fili imagined just such a thing, of being the one without pressing responsibility, when he could surrender and simply let go, not worry about the time or locked doors or what tomorrow would bring. Of simply being for Kili and no one else – he wanted to be that for him.

With that, Fili realized that he was happily looking forward to the time Kili would call in his winnings – perhaps a little too happily.

A sharp breath came as Kili’s fingers pulled free, wanting to protest, but he realized that he could feel the organ still in his passage thickening. He shivered and buried his fingers in Kili’s hair, hugging him close and rolling his hips to encourage it, nuzzling into what part of him he could reach. “Always yours,” he agreed in a murmur, “Everything I am. Everything I have. Take it all, leave nothing behind.”

It was one of
the reasons why they worked out so well, maybe. With his brother bearing so
much responsibility in daily life, Fili was more than eager to hand that
responsibility over to his brother when possible – in their bedchamber, for
example – and Kili, on the other hand, was more than willing to accept it.
Being his brother’s most loyal right hand man in battle and politics, that did
not mean he would have been willing to let himself be dominated by his brother
in every other way as well. They were two sides of a coin, indeed.

He felt
Fili shift and press his hips up against him, causing another smile to cross
his face as he kissed him, long and deep, but soft and caressing, a sharp
contrast to the rough moving of his hips, claiming and conquering his brother
once more despite him not being fully hard yet. “Well?” he whispered against
Fili’s lips, “How does it feel, me growing hard inside you? D’you feel every
inch of m’cock stretching you?” Maybe he was a little too eager to call in his
winnings in return, too. It was too tempting, though; the thought of his
brother actually ready and spread out for him, subjecting to every of his
whims. There was a certain thrill to it, to have his brother beg for more, with
his hair running wild and feeling the pulse of his blood so very deep inside. “Do
you feel how much I want you?” he went on, grinding his hips up against his
brother’s body once more, burying himself to the hilt again, and keeping him
there, his other hand around his cock holding him tight, but having stopped to
move as he kept him pinned, “Tell me, Fee. Tell me how much you want me.”

Camping Trip | Modern AU



“Don’t behave as if I didn’t… ah!” He breathed
in with a soft whine in the back of his throat as he felt Fin’s finger push in,
and then a second, stretching him wide, causing his breath to hitch and his
spine to arch against his brother’s touch, fire creeping through his belly as he
gave up the hapless try to keep himself steady somehow, propped up on one elbow,
and now briefly burying his face in the white sheets of his brother’s bed. “Oh
god, Fee” he muttered, his voice barely audible through the fabric, blinking up
at his brother through brown eyes dark and glazed with arousal, every limb of
his body shaking with need.

“I love you, Fee.” It felt hard to speak at
all, his body reduced to a quivering mess filled to the brink with want and
passion and the heat his brother’s hands stirred so skillfully inside of him;
he moaned thickly, suffocating the noise in his brother’s pillow as quickly as
possible, feeling every muscle of his passage stretched when his brother’s
fingers burned their way inside him again and again, Fin’s other hand tightly
wrapped around his length, feeling himself wrapped in his brother’s touch. “Harder”
he whispered, “C’mon, Fee. I wanna feel your touch ‘til tonight.” Car ride or
not, indeed.

Camping Trip | Modern AU



what family? All that mattered were Fili’s hands, working between his legs and
on his chest, causing him to squirm and moan shamelessly, still struggling a
bit beneath his brother’s rough hands, fingers curling into the mattress seeing
as he could barely do much else. His breath came hitching and in shallow pants,
spreading his legs eagerly as best as he could to leave his brother some space,
whining lightly as he let go, every fibre of his body tense with need. “D-Don’t
forget to take that stuff along” he managed to get out between how he pressed
his face into the pillow to make sure he wasn’t heard downstairs and how he
gasped for breath with basically every move his brother made.

Then, Fili’s
hands were back, between his legs and around him, causing him to inhale sharply
to his nose, his spine arching back against his brother, fitting against his
body like two matching pieces of a puzzle. “Always yours” he breathed, managing
to turn his head just enough to catch Fili’s lips with his own, biting down on
his lower lip.

Kili sprawled out on the bed, head hanging a bit over the side, the expression on his face being a dramatic showing of an upcoming death of boredom. „Feewee. Pay attention to me.“ (durinsxsons)



“I am,” he mumbled automatically, though he didn’t even glance up from where he was carefully wrapping thin leather strips around the hafts of the throwing axes he’d just finished sharpening to form the grip. Creating a smooth grip while maintaining the axe’s balance required careful precision.

There were two done, neatly laid out on the floor on a blanket, the last in line still waiting. 

He made a noise like a whine in the back of his throat, hips rolling as Kili’s mouth found his other nipple and teased it the same, sending flames licking through him. Kili’s hips were flush against his own, pressing hard as he ground against him, but he was not nearly deep enough, his cock not stiff enough. Fili wanted it, needed to feel him deep and hard. “Yes,” he breathed, thighs spreading to push his hips up farther.

Fin’s hands laid limp next to his head where his brother had released them, openly surrendering to his attentions.  His own cock was finally beginning to show signs of life again, rising as Kili’s hand grasping and slid up and down the shaft, tip tingling where Kili’s thumb swirled around it. “Yes.” His eyes slid shut with a soft sigh, head lolling to one side to press his face briefly into the curve of his own elbow. Kili’s fingers prodding at his stretched entrance had him shivering and moaning softly. “Yes..”

His hands curled into fists above his head, fingers digging into the dirt and stone beyond the makeshift bed as he sucked in a long breath, back arching as he felt his brother’s finger slide inside his passage, stretching him just a little further. “Ah fuck, yes, Kili. That.” Fin’s hips rolled shamelessly, trying to urge him on. “Deeper. Take me again, mark me deep.” His hands reached up then to grasp the sides of Kili’s face, dragging him up to kiss his lips hungrily. “Your fingers or your cock, I don’t care, just do it.”

“I will” he
whispered, “My beautiful, sweet brother, you’ll be mine, always and forever.”

He pushed
that one finger in further alongside his cock, stretching him deep, still
focusing on every move and twitch in his brother’s body, watching Fili’s skin
flush with heat once more, his brother’s length stirring and waking in his
care. “I wish I could keep you like this” he whispered against Fili’s lips, “Stretched
out and open for me, every fibre of your body shiverin’ with want. And people
say I was the needy one.” His teeth found their way onto the curve of Fili’s
neck, biting down hard enough to leave halfmoon shaped marks. “Mine” he said,
his voice hoarse and raspy as he felt flames spread through his belly and his
own cock hardening at the feeling of his brother’s flesh, carefully pulling out
his fingers to make sure he did not hurt him, “I won’t let you go, Fee. Ever.”
Briefly, he rubbed his tongue over the traces he had left on his brother’s
neck. Would they bruise? Probably. Well, Fili did wish to bear his mark.

Camping Trip | Modern AU


Fin’s eyes narrowed down at his luggage with something like mild irritation. Of course he’d only been woken so early for Kili’s entertainment rather than real necessity. He wasn’t surprised, or even actually all that irritation, but basic principle urged him to ignore Kili’s tugging on his sleeve as long as possible until the force made him tip slightly off balance so that he was forced to turn toward him unless he wanted to fall straight on his back.

He huffed faintly, giving Kilian a tiny glare and tugging on the captured arm. He knew very well Kili would torment him with every ounce of energy he had left during their car ride, and with how much of it he seemed to possess just now, Fin’s willpower was quickly diminishing. Kili was a demon in human skin, he was almost completely positive. All the same, he sighed as his brother’s lips pressed to his palm and his last resistance crumbled.

“You’d make a lot of money as a hooker,” he commented, half insult and half compliment, as he rose to his feet and climbed onto the bed following the tug. “But don’t ever try it.” Fin leaned down and kissed him firmly before taking hold of his legs and flipping him back over onto his belly. Without preamble, his hips pressed down to grind against his backside as one hand wormed around Kili and down into the front of his jeans to palm him roughly. Lips pressed to Kili’s ear and bit lightly, free hand slithering around as well to work beneath his shirt and toy with a nipple. “You’ll have to come quick or you’ll suffer for hours you know. Sure you’re willing to risk it?”

Kilian was
already snickering madly when Fin kissed him, struggling and squirming just for
the general impression when his brother pinned him down. “I wouldn’t, because
it only works with you” he replied a little breathlessly, his spine arching up
and smoothing his body against his wonderful brother, “If you’re inclined to
pay me, though, I’d be your hooker all the time, y’know.” Fin’s hands were
there within the blink of an eye, and he shivered violently as white pleasure
ran through him almost immediately. As much as he enjoyed possessing his
brother’s body – as much as he knew Fin loved it himself – as much did he love
to be overpowered by his brother in return, feeling Fin’s arms safe and secure
around him, handling him without great effort.

“God, Fin”
he breathed, exhaling slowly as he pressed himself against his brother’s hands,
one hand curling into the sheets of his brother’s bed. “Yeah, you’d like that”
he muttered into the pillow, “Lettin’ me suffer all the way in the car, huh?”
Glancing up, a drowsy grin curling the corners of his mouth, eyes glazed with
arousal, he managed to smooth his hips up against his brother’s. “I’d make you
finish me off in the car, no matter who’s drivin’, I hope you’re aware of that.”



alternate ending to the third hobbit movie

thranduil walks around the battlefield and spies the dead bodies of fili and kili

and then he kneels down and touches them gently with one finger and they come back to life

and everyone lives happily ever after

thranduil is secretly ned the piemaker

the end
