Only the Beginning




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The sensation of his brother’s skin bore the same mixture of tension, excitement and pleasure as always, their flesh melting together in the reunion of their bodies as well as their spirits. Fili kissed him, his skin slick with sweat and oil, and he felt his brother’s tongue on his lips, hungry with need and desire. Mine, it said, mine, as I am yours, a shallow panting ringing in his ears without him being able to tell whether it was his’ or his brother’s as his body answered in the same language, his hip grinding against his brother’s, fingernails digging ever so lightly into the skin of Fili’s bare back as he held him. Fili’s hand still tangled in his hair pulled at his scalp and he hissed, the noise filled with pleasure and pain at the same time. Biting for Fili, and hair pulling for him, was it? 

Now We are Home


Fili’s eyes squinted half shut at the pinch, but he leaned into the kiss from his mother happily, sinking into her embrace despite his nakedness. He was not ashamed of his body — only of the fact he’d been caught initiating something forbidden. After having not seen his mother in over a year, he couldn’t care less about nudity. There were several times over the past year that he’d expected never to see her again, so he was more than happy to have her here now, even if she had interrupted. Fili buried his nose in her whiskers and clung to her a moment, feeling melting snowflakes touch his skin, and breathing in the unmistakable scent of home.

He’d forgotten entirely about his desire for Kili by the time Dis nudged him away, and he let out a tiny noise of contentment at the second kiss before sliding off the bed obediently (care not to jostle his brother) and collecting his trousers. Fili watched Kili and their mother interact while he slid them on and tied his laces, a smile playing on his lips. Kili was always adorable, but their mother brought that side of him out by tenfold. He leaned down to pick up his shirt, moved to put it on, but then subtly set it on top of the table he’d been working at earlier, hiding the evidence of the gift he’d been making for Dis before he’d been distracted.

Fili padded back over and plopped down on the bed beside Kili, smirking slightly. “Funny. He’d just finished convincing me it didn’t hurt before you arrived,” he commented innocently.

„I’d never say such a thing!“ Kili complained, eyelids fluttering dramatically as he managed a quiver in his lower lip, „I’m lying here, bed ridden and sick, for weeks, and Fili jumps at me whilst I am too weak to resist…”

„Does he, now?“ Dís mused, glancing back at her eldest, very much aware of the mischievous glint in Kili’s eyes before turning back, pressing a kiss to his forehead, lightly nuzzling his nose with hers, „Oh, my poor baby boy, that must be terrible.“

She shot another glance back at Fili from beneath a cocked eyebrow. “It seems I arrived just in time to prevent any further molestations…” Kili nodded, barely able to fight back the grin on his face, as innocent as only a little brother could manage. “Yes, amad.”

Dís bit back another grin as she reached out, gently tugging a loose strand of golden hair, messy as it was. “And you, kadzunithê? It seems the two of you were half my size when you left, and now you return to me as grown men.”

She’d never been so proud. She’d also never been so scared. She reached out, gently placing a hand on Kili’s bandages for a moment and the other on Fili’s bare shoulder. “You’ve been hurt as well, for all I’ve been told” she said softly, “How do you feel?”

Only the Beginning




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Well, maybe it was exactly that – Fili being in charge most of the time, so it was a change that filled him with excitement.

Fili’s moan and his brother’s breath hot on his skin caused his loins to ache with need; he drew back once he was sure he wouldn’t hurt him, his hand closing around his brother’s member instead, as he brought himself into position before carefully moving inside him. He paused for a brief moment before moving, Fili’s skin sliding against his own with each thrust, burying his face at Fili’s shoulder for just a moment to stiffle another moan, his hand  brushing up and down with the rhythm of his body.

Now We are Home


His lips trailed downward with slow, open mouthed kisses as he nudged Kili’s trousers down a few inches, the flaps now open so he could slide one hand down the thankfully unbandaged skin of his lower abdomen, fingers sliding through thick black curls and just barely brushing the base of Kili’s length.

Fili froze as a too familiar and too long missed and entirely unexpected for several days voice rang out and all but shattered both the mood and his dignity. Then Kili yanked his hair and he let out the sort of startled gasp one’s mother should never hear, his face and neck turning redder than his brother’s and his mother’s combined. He stayed where he was for a long moment, and as Kili burst into giggles and pulled the discarded blanket over his head like a toddler, Fili’s eyes slowly swiveled to fix on his mother, his hand subtly shifting away from his brother’s groin, much like a toddler who’d just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar himself. He sat up slowly.

”..Amad,” he greeted, chin tipping up just slightly in the barest bit of princely dignity he could muster while naked and sitting perched atop his ailing brother’s thighs. Luckily he wasn’t hard as well. “You..” His mouth worked a moment, lips tugging upward at the corners imperceptibly as he looked at her, despite being caught doing something that was clearly not healthy for his baby brother and expecting to be lectured for it, but also intensely pleased to see his mother after a year apart, before he finished reproachfully, “..You’re early.”

„It feels I arrived in precisely the right moment“ Dís replied, still grinning as she came over, obviously not feeling intimidated by the act she’d caught her sons in in the slightest. There was little that passed a mother’s eye, after all, and while she was aware of how their relationship might affect their reputations – if that was the soulmates their sons had found, it would take Mahal himself to seperate them. So who was she to question that?

Gently pinching Fili’s ear, she pressed a kiss to his forehead. She’d noticed the remains of old bruisings on his back, of course, and she’d been told about their injuries anyway; no matter whether he was dressed or not, she wrapped her arms around him for a moment, hugging him tightly while pressing another kiss to his cheek. “Get dressed anyway, will you? Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” Gently nudging his shoulder, she let go of him, pulling the blanket off her youngest.

„Now, about you…“ Kili was still giggling, cheeks flushed. „Amad, please! I’m not really in a condition in which – I mean, I’m sick, oh, it hurts!“ Dramatically sinking back, his eyes fell shut again, black hair sprawled over his pillow like a halo.